10 Results for: (Concept:09225146-n)
60761 What performances are awaiting us now at the regatta 's location on the quiet waters around San_Diego in the United_States ?
60963 Construction of large dams not only causes environmental problems such as the destruction of forests or submersion of villages , but also problems such as flooding and the intrusion of sea water into downstream areas .
61366 The amount of mercury dumped in the water , including tributaries such as the Tapajos_River and Negro_River , at approximately 2,000 sites where gold has been collected is said to be anywhere between 1,800 and 2,000_tons .
61372 The immediate task is to accurately obtain the amount of the total mercury and methyl mercury in water , soil , fish and human hair , blood and urine using the analytical method developed by the National_Institute_for_Minamata_Disease .
100504 However , as the usage of local water bodies evolved , sampans ( small wooden boats ) are no longer seen and have been replaced by wakeboarding boats , canoes and sailboats .
100510 If you 'd rather paddle along calm waters and soak up the sun , Bedok_Reservoir is the place where you can enjoy hours of fun , dragon boating or kayaking .
101551 A good way to sightsee in Singapore is to go on a DUCK or HiPPO_Tour , which brings you around places of interest on an open-top bus , or an authentic Vietnam warcraft that can travel on land and in the water .
101680 Located next to the water across from Sentosa_Island , the mall is beautifully set up as an easygoing and fun shopping destination .
104397 The rowing action of the dragon-boaters thus symbolise the desperate attempts of the village fishermen at beating their oars on the water to drive away man-eating fish as they tried to rescue .
104400 Show your support and cheer as the beautifully decorated boats splash and race across the surface of the water , and witness a whole range of ancient rites that are still performed here , including the showering of the dragon head of the boat before each race .

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