4 Results for: (Concept:08984788-n)
61347 中欧 人均 国内 生产 总值 只有 欧盟 国家 葡萄牙 希腊 一半 左右

The gross domestic product per capita of Central_European nations is only just half of that for Portugal and Greece , which are the poorest countries among EU member states . (eng)

100045 其中 中国 帆船 印度 阿拉伯 帆船 葡萄牙 战舰 布吉 帆船

Located at the tip of the Malay_Peninsula , the natural meeting point of sea routes , the city served as a flourishing trading post for a wide variety of sea crafts , from Chinese junks , Indian vessels , Arab dhows and Portuguese battleships to Buginese schooners . (eng)

100923 马来 民间 受到 国际 交流 融合 影响 扎宾 起源 阿拉伯 若吉 继承 葡萄牙 民间 轻快 舞步

Malay folk dances are the result of foreign influences brought about by passing travellers . (eng) For example , the Zapin has Arab roots while the Joget adopts the lightness of movement from Portuguese folk dance . (eng)

101635 马来 电视 综艺 节目 经常 见到 Zapin 因为 本质上 喜庆 音乐 joget 受到 葡萄牙 非常 深远 影响

Zapin is frequently used in variety shows on Malay television today as it is most festive by nature , while the joget possesses strong Portuguese influences . (eng)

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