10 Results for: (Concept:08929922-n)
60957 法国 泰国 观光者 显著 增加 原来 打烊 商店 现在 营业 深夜

The numbers of French and Thai tourists have jumped considerably and the shopping streets that used to close early are now open late into the night . (eng)

60985 拨开 热带 灌木 水草 穿过 木桥 突然 法国 殖民地 时代 教堂 眼前 穿 洁白 越南 民族 服装 少女 苗条 身影 映入 眼帘

After pushing our way through the tropical trees and water plants and slipping under a log bridge , suddenly the figures of little girls wearing pure white ao dai and abruptly standing come into view , as well as a church from the French colonial period . (eng)

61269 这个 加速器 称为 大型 强子 对撞机 利用 瑞士 法国 国境 周长 27 公里 现有 隧道

This accelerator is referred to as the Large_Hadron_Collider or LHC and it will use the existing 27 km circular tunnel straddling the French-Swiss border . (eng)

61277 加盟国 财政 困难 苦恼 德国 英国 要求 建设 经济 方面 获益 当地 瑞士 法国 特别 出资

The member countries ran into fiscal problems thus Germany and England asked Switzerland and France , where the facility will be located and would bring money into their economy , for extra contributions . (eng)

61279 中旬 理事会 事情 瑞士 法国 做出 特殊 贡献 解决

This issue was finally resolved when it was agreed that Switzerland and France would make special contributions during the Council 's meeting held in the middle of last month . (eng)

61349 另外 中欧 相邻 经济 联系 紧密 德国 中东欧 加盟 态度 积极 警惕 德国 中欧 确立 支配权 法国 扩持 消极 态度

Germany , which has strong economic ties with the neighboring Central_Europe , is positive about the accession of the Central and Eastern_European nations , whereas , France , being cautious over the possibility of German supremacy in Central_Europe , is reluctant to expand to the East . (eng)

61351 一直 德国 首相 科尔 一同 领导 统一 法国 总统 密特朗 总统 选举 契机 引退 成为 稳定 因素

As he has been working with the German_Prime_Minister_Kohl to push ahead for unification , President_Mitterrand 's retirement from office with the May presidential election may also contribute to this uncertainty . (eng)

100783 JAAN 餐厅 古今 法式 菜肴 地中海 风味 融为一体 带来 法国 南部 新派 料理 精彩 体验 必将 倾心

Demonstrating the beauty of classic- contemporary French cuisine with Mediterranean touches in many dishes , Jaan serves up a menu here that 's also known as Southern_French_Nouvelle cuisine . (eng)

101281 餐厅 葡萄 眼前一亮 来自 法国 意大利 澳大利亚 智利 中国 餐馆 罕有

Surprisingly , this restaurant also offers an impressive wine list , with wines from France , Italy , Australia and Chile , a considerably rare sight among Chinese eateries . (eng)

101377 香水 可以 找到 来自 中东 法国 印度 世界 各地 香水

Stocked with an array of fragrances from the Middle_East , France , India and beyond , it specialises in alcohol- free Arabic perfumes , and also has unique massage pills , scented body soaps and shower creams . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>