3 Results for: (Concept:08663156-n)
100038 虽然 新加坡 历史 记录 时间 迷朦 不清 但是 世纪 中国 故事 描述 " 蒲罗中 " ( 婆罗洲 ) 半岛 顶端 孤岛

While the earliest known historical records of Singapore are shrouded in the mists of time, a third century Chinese account describes it as "Pu-luo-chung", or the "island at the end of a peninsula". (eng)

100044 由于 这里 地处 马来半岛 顶端 航线 天然 交汇 迅速 成为 大量 航海 船只 贸易中心

Located at the tip of the Malay_Peninsula , the natural meeting point of sea routes , the city served as a flourishing trading post for a wide variety of sea crafts , from Chinese junks , Indian vessels , Arab dhows and Portuguese battleships to Buginese schooners . (eng)

102981 都市 进行曲 展示 尖端 科技 都市 进行曲 互动 体验 讲述 新加坡 城市 可持续发展 故事

Urban Bio Rhythm The “Urban Bio Rhythm” will tell the story of Singapore’s urban sustainability through a series of vibrant animated images. (eng)

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