4 Results for: (Concept:08630985-n)
60035 亚洲 太平洋 地区 关系 轴心 作用

Our role , based on the Japan-U . S. relationship in Asia and the Pacific region , is considerably important . (eng)

60980 其中 泰国 北部 清莱 基点 老挝 景洪 缅甸 连接 成为 成长 四角 地区 道路 已经 开始 政府 民间 投资 兴建

Among these , construction has commenced on the Square_of_Growth_Zone_Road through private and government investment from the respective countries , linking Jinghong in China , with Myanmar and Laos , from a starting point in Chiang_Rai in northern Thailand . (eng)

101315 随着 优雅 起舞 一定 获得 多数 交口称赞 特别 来自 凉爽 地区 游客

Beating the heat in the cool rink while sashaying in leonine grace gets the two thumbs up from most folks , especially the visitors from cool climates . (eng)

102199 猪肉 盛行 欧亚 地区 私房 美味 如今 添加 罗望子 芬芳 美味 猪肉 咖喱 菜肴 再度 成为 食客 美食 首选

Babi_Assam , a well-known dish among home cooks in the Eurasian community , possesses the distinct flavour of tamarind , which makes this spiced pork curry dish a hot favourite among patrons . (eng)

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