9 Results for: (Concept:08624891-n)
47192 It is only by remembering certain complex landmarks that I am able to do it . '
100192 Established in 1915 , Tekka_Centre moved to its current location in 1982 and is a landmark in Little_India .
100738 Explore the various cultural precincts and religious landmarks around the island and get acquainted with Singapore 's multicultural society .
101410 On your trip here , remember to take a walk along one of the many heritage trails or visit the well-known landmarks for a complete Singapore journey .
101424 A stone 's throw away , you 'll see the Jamae_Mosque , an Indian-Muslim mosque that is another well-known landmark in Chinatown .
102828 When you get here , observe the majestic gopuram ( gate tower ) , which is covered with figurative sculptures of gods and goddesses and mythological beasts , an easily recognisable landmark to generations of Hindu worshippers and Singaporeans alike .
102943 And if you 're feeling nostalgic and looking to discover old world charm , you can explore and experience the island 's key historical landmarks or memorials .
102966 There are also several prominent religious landmarks in the area and you might be surprised to see that there are also Hindu temples and mosques amongst them .
103860 This landmark building is situated in the heart of Singapore 's central business district .

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>