10 Results for: (Concept:08538426-n)
60674 The precinct of Meiji_Shrine was full of visitors after 10:00 p.m.
60682 According to the police investigation , the suspect picked up Mari , who came back from a friend 's home in neighborhood , with a light sedan in front of their home around 5:10 p.m. , December 28 , drove her about three_kilometers to the south , and let her out of the car in the precincts of an industrial water treatment plant in Daijuku , Sodegaura_of_Chiba ( belongs to Prefectural_Corporation_Agency ) , strangled her to death , and abandoned her body in a bamboo forest nearby .
100105 There are many shopping precincts you can explore to get your shopping fix , for a variety of shopping choices throughout the island .
100738 Explore the various cultural precincts and religious landmarks around the island and get acquainted with Singapore 's multicultural society .
100982 Read 8 Days_Magazine 's write-up about the vibrant Singapore_River precinct >>
101247 Geylang_Serai is another predominantly Malay precinct in Singapore , and has been so since the mid- nineteenth century when ethnic Malays and Indonesians arrived here to work at its processing factories and farms .
102944 You can also embark on a heritage trail and enjoy the sights and sounds at various cultural precincts , notably Chinatown , Little_India and Kampong_Glam .
102955 Popular bakeries like Tong_Heng_Oriental_Pastry on South_Bridge_Road , tea houses like Kwong_Chen on Sago_Street , hawker stalls , as well as stylish bars along Club_Street , are also housed in this precinct , making Chinatown a well-balanced heartland .
102977 Take your pick from a wide range of activities in the vibrant nightlife precincts of Clarke_Quay , Boat_Quay and Robertson_Quay which are just around the circuit for post-race fun .
103133 One such precinct is Chinatown , which , with its stunning street light-ups , night markets and decorations , is the focal point for Chinese_New_Year celebrations in Singapore .

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>