2 Results for: (Concept:08409835-n)
61780 初中 高中 运动队 争取 胜利 顽强 拚搏 极其 自然

It is quite natural for sports clubs at junior high and high schools to push themselves to win . (eng)

61783 文部省 年度 开始 进行 初中 高中 体育 活动 实际 状况 调查 研究 可行 方法 希望 俱乐部 活动 办成 掌握 能够 终生 快乐 体育 运动 组织

As of next school year , the Ministry_of_Education will investigate the actual situation of after-school athletic activities at junior high and high schools and discuss what are the desirable ways for those activities to exist , but it is our hope that club activities will become an opportunity to develop skills in a sport that can be enjoyed throughout one 's lifetime . (eng)

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