3 Results for: (Concept:08406486-n)
61796 Most of the volunteer organizations which are abundantly found all over the country are nin'i dantai ( voluntary groups ) and are unable to be qualified as a foundation or association , which in turn has been a barrier for their expansion .
61797 With strict conditions in addition to a great amount of funds , it is even difficult to obtain incorporation as a zaidan hojin ( incorporated foundations ) and shadan hojin ( incorporated associations ) , which are known as organizations authorized under the provisions of the Civil_Code .
61804 Seeing the American system as a model , here in Japan_the_National_Institute_for_Research_Advancement ( NIRA ) has pushed ahead with " the study on developing a foundation for citizens ' public-interest activities " which places civil activity organizations as a_third force in addressing problems difficult for government and companies to handle , and while it proposes the enactment of the " Fundamental Civic_Non-Profit_Activity_Law , " the New_Harbinger_Party_Sakigake got the study project to draft the bill off the ground .

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