7 Results for: (Concept:08378819-n)
61265 With the fall of the " Cold War structure " and the ever more interdependent relationships among countries , in addressing the various kinds of problems which we face a global vantage point that transcends " national " frameworks is becoming more and more essential .
61445 While each event was a significant political shift and had an enormous impact on postwar politics , in looking back at the past year and a_half , it appears that the people 's frustration and disappointment have been amplified since even though these major changes in politics occurred , they stopped short of turning into a large-scale political reform to reach and destroy the innermost core of the existing political structure .
61662 It is the qualitative conversion of the Japan-US security structure .
61689 As contributing factors , it cites the low productivity of industries under protection and regulations , still overly expensive land prices , and the high appreciation of the yen generated by the lopsided economical structure with a central focus on the two foregoing points .
61745 With the monstrous fiscal deficit and mounting inflation , the whole economical structure was in trouble back in those days .
61889 Also , the urban structure can not be altered in a short period of time .
62032 Where Mr._Murayama had been eloquent in his last speech remarking that " efforts to dispel the public distrust in politics caused by corruption , collusive structure of the government , bureaucrats and industry and other related problems and to establish sound party politics that will truly speak for the benefit of the people are needed now more than ever , " in this speech he was curt , and said that his government would " realize the party-oriented politics making the most of the intent of the new electoral system and to ensure the total ban of corruption . "

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