5 Results for: (Concept:08367880-n)
60051 After leaders of government , bureaucrats and industries under the old political system were expelled , young members without experience had to become leaders .
61132 The system called " election " is considered by far the best and wisest system among the political systems conceived by humankind .
61443 In the summer of the year before last , the non-LDP coalition government headed by Prime_Minister_Hosokawa was established , ending 38 years of the " single-party rule " political system under the Liberal_Democratic_Party_for_the_Japanese political community .
61721 The combination of single-seat constituencies and proportional representation is a system that ultimately assumes a political system with two major parties , but we are ambivalent about rushing into it at one go .
102935 Singapore is a parliamentary republic with a political system that 's centred on democracy .

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