9 Results for: (Concept:08337324-n)
60010 For the time being , there are important issues regarding administrative reform , especially on deregulation , review of government-affiliated corporations , and the decentralization of authority .
60265 Though Taiwanese authorities use this issue as political leverage , saying , " Taiwan will not approve the direct traffic until China changes its anti-Taiwan policy , " the business world is calling for the direct traffic for cost reduction .
61406 Taking into consideration this aspect , it would seem reasonable for the Ministry_of_Justice , unlike the other government ministries and agencies , to have a policy to increase personnel .
61406 Taking into consideration this aspect , it would seem reasonable for the Ministry_of_Justice , unlike the other government ministries and agencies , to have a policy to increase personnel .
61427 It has been reported that he said , " It is an aberration for the government-run television stations to oppose the government chosen by the majority of the citizens , " and we must say that such a statement is an extremely unreasonable , disregarding the relationship between media and authority in a democratic society .
61493 The quintessential problem of administrative reform is what to do with those administrative agencies that are still in existence in an unrealistic shape and size after having become functionally obsolete .
61514 During the process prior to reaching the decision , the substance of the policy outline had already been set back from the original concept due to the conflicts among the central government offices and the opposition from the parliamentarians representing special interest groups .
61519 In conjunction with finalizing the bill , the government must take a firm stance to include the in-principle dissolution of the agency delegated function system and installment of the Decentralization_Promotion_Council as a powerful third-party organization .
61562 It will be essential for the Ministry_of_Health and Welfare , which will take a leadership role in the training overhaul , and the Ministry_of_Education , which has jurisdiction over the university hospitals that take in many interns , to pull down the government 's " vertical administrative " system of agencies only looking after its scope of responsibilities and to work cooperatively .


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