10 Results for: (Concept:08295580-n)
60038 联合国 必须 进行 改革 不仅仅 限于 常任 理事国 问题

The United_Nations should reform not only the issues on permanent member nations of the Security_Council , but also others . (eng)

60039 应该 全球 范围 环境 人口 粮食 领域 联合国 应该 发挥 作用 十分 重大

Rather , the United_Nations has a significant role to play in an extensive range of issues on the global environment , population , foods , and others . (eng)

60040 改革 联合国 作为 前提 考虑

I will consider it , presupposing the reform of UN . (eng)

60084 世界 和平 方面 提出 宪法 允许 范围 日本式 国际 贡献 实施 贫困 饥饿 政策 非军事 领域 开展 活动 显示 摆脱 联合国 维护 和平 活动 中心 想法

Regarding " world peace , " he indicated activities in non-military fields such as measures against poverty and starvation as Japanese style international contributions within the range of the constitution , which implied a break away from focusing on United_Nations peacekeeping operations . (eng)

60217 第二 联合国 索马里 行动 决定 今年 三月 之前 撤退 人们 极其 担心 联合国 撤退 全面 内战 重新 开始

Since the Second_United_Nations_Operation in Somalia has decided on withdrawal by the end of March this year , the resumption of full-scale civil war following the withdrawal of the U.N. peace-keeping force is strongly feared . (eng)

60217 第二 联合国 索马里 行动 决定 今年 三月 之前 撤退 人们 极其 担心 联合国 撤退 全面 内战 重新 开始

Since the Second_United_Nations_Operation in Somalia has decided on withdrawal by the end of March this year , the resumption of full-scale civil war following the withdrawal of the U.N. peace-keeping force is strongly feared . (eng)

60945 伊斯兰 复兴 [ 联合国 柬埔寨 临时 权力 机构 活动 时期 得到 兴旺 发展

These activities began in earnest when the United_Nations-supervised interim government of Cambodia was in power . (eng)

60975 联合国 日本 美国 欧洲 支援 综合 开发 立项 基本 数据 收集 支流 水电站 建设 取得 成果

With the support of the United_Nations , European countries , the U.S. and Japan , developments such as dam construction on tributaries , basic data collection and general development planning have been accomplished . (eng)

60978 因此 一九九四年 由于 [ 联合国 开发 计划署 参与 决定 另外 成立 [ 湄公 委员会 形式 重新 实施 开发 计划

At the end of 1994 , the process sputtered to life again when the United_Nations succeeding in mediating with a development plan establishing a separate Mekong_Committee . (eng)

61228 新年 伊始 久山 纯弘 先生 作为 日本 第一 联合国 检查员 前往 日内瓦 赴任

Just after the start of the new year Mr._Kuyama_Sumihiro took up his post in Geneva as Japan 's first United_Nations " Inspector . " (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>