5 Results for: (Concept:08263113-n)
60167 美国 一月 四日 共和党 握有 主导权 议会 启动 主张 采取 强硬 措施 议会 克林顿 政权 展开 攻势 必然 趋势

It is considered inescapable that the new Congress led by the Republican_Party , starting on January 4th , will assert a tough line against Russia and place strong pressure on the Clinton administration . (eng)

60168 认为 中间 选举 失败 以后 转为 共和党 政策 克林顿 总统 外交 做出 让步 担心 美国 俄罗斯 对立 进一步 加深

President Clinton is expected to compromise with the Republic_Party in diplomacy , in addition to his preceding policy shift in its favor following the defeat in the midterm election , with further confrontation between the U.S. and Russia being projected . (eng)

60170 共和党 实力者们 明确 表示 敦促 克林顿 政权 采取 强硬 措施

It has been revealed that leading Republicans plan to demand tough measures be taken against Russia by the Clinton administration . (eng)

60176 共和党 下院 议长 金里奇 拟定 选举 公约 美国 契约 强调 促进 民主主义 市场 经济 改革 以及 拥有 文官 掌握 军队 国家 加入 北约 明确 表示 推进 东欧 加入 北约

In its campaign platform set out by the new Chairman_of_the_House_of_Representatives , Newt_Gingrich , and titled , " Contract with America , " the Republican_Party promised to " promote the entry into NATO of countries with the will to turn to democracy and a market economy , as well as placing their military forces under civilian control , " thus demonstrating their plan to encourage Eastern_European nations to join NATO . (eng)

60178 克林顿 政权 打算 反对 北约 扩充 政策 自由派 后盾 对付 共和党 但是 看来 不得不 以前 叶利钦 政权 怀柔 路线 修改

Although the Clinton administration hopes to deal with the Republicans based on support from liberals who are against the expansion of NATO , it is viewed as certain that the President will be forced to substantially modify his original line to embrace Russia_'s_Yeltsin administration . (eng)

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