3 Results for: (Concept:08225090-n)
11089 起初 邻居们 看到 斯托克莫兰 罗伊洛特 后裔 回到 古老 家族 邸宅 十分 高兴

" Well , now I come to the queer part of my story . (eng)

11090 可是 邻居们 朋友 互相 往来 常态 自己 房子 深居简出 不管 碰到 什么 一味 穷凶极恶地 争吵

About a week ago -- it was the Tuesday of last week -- I found on one of the window-sills a number of absurd little dancing figures like these upon the paper . (eng) They were scrawled with chalk . (eng)

60682 据查 怀疑 犯罪 嫌疑人 二十八日 下午 五点十分 左右 家门 近邻 朋友 回来 茉莉 上车 距离 公里 袖浦市 代宿 企业厅 [ 袖浦 工业用 处理 场内 下车 之后 茉莉 勒死 弃尸 附近 竹林

According to the police investigation , the suspect picked up Mari , who came back from a friend 's home in neighborhood , with a light sedan in front of their home around 5:10 p.m. , December 28 , drove her about three_kilometers to the south , and let her out of the car in the precincts of an industrial water treatment plant in Daijuku , Sodegaura_of_Chiba ( belongs to Prefectural_Corporation_Agency ) , strangled her to death , and abandoned her body in a bamboo forest nearby . (eng)

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