7 Results for: (Concept:08180639-n)
61695 However , it was not labor 's choice to bring on the current situation .
61696 If anything , where labor may have been to blame is their preoccupation with cooperating with management even during the times when the economic climate was such that they could have won substantial wage increases .
61701 Labor will have no other choice but to obtain wage increases that are closest to their target .
61706 One of labor 's objectives this year is to raise the basic pay level for the industries where it is low at present .
61709 In addition , if the industrial trade unions , which have a high basic pay and are the pacesetters for wage hikes , are contained , then it may lead to labor 's indulgence towards employers .
61710 Moreover , Rengo is strongly promoting the independent agreement between the labor and the management in each industry , which is increasing the complexity of the spring offensive .
61715 On the eve of the real kick-off of the spring labor offensive , we urge both labor and management to make efforts to create such a society .

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