7 Results for: (Concept:08180639-n)
60112 [ 新民联 干部 证实 支持 自己 家乡 劳动 组合 谈到 脱党 他们 感到

One of the executives of the New_Democratic_League testified , " When I consulted with a local supporting labor unions on this matter , they expressed disapproval . " (eng)

60642 石原 信雄 内阁 官房 长官 鸠山邦夫 劳动 大臣 甚至 评论家 作家 界屋 以及 出云市 市长 岩国 哲人 名字 谈论

Among other rumored names are Nobuo_Ishihara , Deputy_Chief_Cabinet_Secretary ; Kunio_Hatoyama , former Labor_Minister ; Taichi_Sakaiya , a critic and writer ; and Tetsundo_Iwakuni , Mayor_of_Izumo_City . (eng)

61681 景气 开始 以来 加薪 问题 资方 控制 劳方

Since the current recession began , management has kept labor under its control in terms of wage hikes . (eng)

61683 一直 提出 相同 口号 成功 控制 劳方

He had successfully kept a tight rein on labor for the past three years with the same slogan . (eng)

61696 如果 劳方 责任 的话 处于 能够 大幅度 获得 加薪 经济 形势 过于 偏重 劳资 协调

If anything , where labor may have been to blame is their preoccupation with cooperating with management even during the times when the economic climate was such that they could have won substantial wage increases . (eng)

61701 作为 劳方 除了 获得 尽可能 接近 目标 加薪 以外 没有 别的 选择

Labor will have no other choice but to obtain wage increases that are closest to their target . (eng)

61709 此外 如果 基本 工资高 龙头 行业 工会 控制 可能 成为 劳方 加薪 成功 免罪符

In addition , if the industrial trade unions , which have a high basic pay and are the pacesetters for wage hikes , are contained , then it may lead to labor 's indulgence towards employers . (eng)

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