10 Results for: (Concept:08061042-n)
60207 According to the Segodnya newspaper dated the 30th , Vice_Prime_Minister_Vladimir_Polevanov emphasized , " We need the shift of governmental economic strategy , as well as stronger national leadership over businesses , " and announced , " We aim to adopt a bill to re-nationalize the firms that have been inappropriately privatized . "
60213 As of November 1994 , 75 percent of small to medium businesses were privatized , and a considerable number of large companies have also been privatized .
61183 Furthermore , the iron triangle of politicians , bureaucrats and businesses proliferated within these sectors .
61192 After the bubble burst , businesses and banks have yet to work up the energy to confront new risks .
61201 There has to be some new businesses trying to find a way to get out of the iron triangle of politicians , bureaucrats and businesses .
61201 There has to be some new businesses trying to find a way to get out of the iron triangle of politicians , bureaucrats and businesses .
61205 When Mr._Ogura_Masao , who originally came up with the idea for this epoch-making service , first made his application for establishing shipping charges for this small-lot parcel delivery business the Ministry_of_Transport did not accept his application documents .
61418 Such rumors included his connections to the Mafia crime syndicate and some corrupt politicians and his use of the mass media , i.e. , an affiliate of Fininvest , the business group owned by Mr._Berlusconi , for his election campaign .
61503 Decentralization also means it will destroy the triangle of politicians , bureaucrats and big business that support the centralization of power .
61604 It is said that there are some moves to ask Japanese businesses to take a part in the construction of the light water reactors depending on Japan 's share of the cost .

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