4 Results for: (Concept:07970079-n)
100197 家族 餐厅 拿手 就是 各种 传统 菜肴 娘惹 五香肉 亚三虾 以及 娘惹 杂菜煲

Peranakan cuisine is complex and requires a meticulous hand but this family restaurant impresses with traditional dishes such as the Nyonya ngoh hiang , assam prawns and Nyonya chap chye . (eng)

100236 小小 印尼 上乘 服饰 家族 经营 工作 新加坡 已经 70 历史 专营 色彩 斑斓 印尼 蜡染 印花 物美价廉

This family business has been around in Singapore for more than 70 years , and sells affordable and colourful Indonesia batik , ranging from men 's and women 's shirts to bags and fabrics sold by the metre . (eng)

101172 2004 开业 以来 Hanabi 焰火 日式 餐厅 凭借 菜品 广泛 价格 实惠 点菜 自助餐 发展 广 欢迎 家族 餐厅

Since its opening in 2004, Hanabi (meaning “fireworks”) Japanese Restaurant has since evolved into a popular family restaurant known for its extensive and affordable ala-carte buffet. (eng)

102938 Toko Aljunied 服装 经营 历史 新加坡 著名 阿拉伯 家族 据有 拥有 丰富 遗产

Located on Arab_Street , the store is owned by one of the most notable Arab families in the country and having been around for decades , it also boasts a rich heritage . (eng)

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