5 Results for: (Concept:07967382-n)
61012 Among waves of golden dry-land type rice , old women of the Yao ethnic group wear traditional clothing as they cut the tops off the rice with sickles .
61047 Jinghong , about 170_kilometers from the border , is the provincial capital of China_'s_Yunnan_Province / Xishuangbanna_Dai_Minority_Autonomous_State , where the ancestors of the Thais , the Dai ethnic group live , so in other words , Thais ' homeland .
61052 There are 55 minority ethnic groups in China besides the Han , and at typical Dai , Hani and Akha villages in the region , one can infer the rapid loss of traditional culture due to economic development .
61059 According to Christian_Daniels , Assistant_Professor at the Research_Institute_for_Languages and Cultures_of_Asia and Africa at the Tokyo_University_of_Foreign_Studies , " While it is certain that minority ethnic groups are gradually losing their traditions , they have proudly maintained their traditions while coming into contact with foreign cultures . I believe they are searching for a new identity different from their old ways . "
100720 By the end of the 19th century , Singapore became one of the most cosmopolitan cities in Asia , with major ethnic groups in the country being the Chinese , Malays , Indians , Peranakans and Eurasians .

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