10 Results for: (Concept:07935504-n)
60682 According to the police investigation , the suspect picked up Mari , who came back from a friend 's home in neighborhood , with a light sedan in front of their home around 5:10 p.m. , December 28 , drove her about three_kilometers to the south , and let her out of the car in the precincts of an industrial water treatment plant in Daijuku , Sodegaura_of_Chiba ( belongs to Prefectural_Corporation_Agency ) , strangled her to death , and abandoned her body in a bamboo forest nearby .
60697 Around 7:20 p.m. , December 31 , a karaoke house owner found smoke coming out of a post box on the street of Honmachi 1-chome , Kisshoji , Musashino_of_Tokyo , and police officers from a police box of Musashino_Police_Station , located at the east exit of Kisshoji_Station , extinguished the fire with water in a bucket .
60867 He never realized his dream of capturing the Cup , an event which has been described as " pouring water into a bottomless pitcher , " but many people were moved by the millionaire 's romance with the sea .
60968 The resulting vapor is condensed with cold water from the Mekong and distilled liquor is produced .
60982 At the tail of the rainy season in the Mekong_Delta , the canal water advances all the way to the front of the farmers ' houses .
61881 Lifelines such as water , sewage , electricity , gas , communications , and transportation remain disrupted .
61929 As of the evening of the 19th , nearly 300,000 people are continuing to live in evacuation centers in Hyogo_Prefecture , and the depleting supplies of water , food and heaters are compounding their fatigue .
61934 Upon his visit to the disaster area , Prime_Minister_Tomiichi_Murayama must have seen and heard the situation where people scoop and drink tap water spouting on the street and three people are sharing one rice ball .
61936 The same evening when the victims of the earthquake are suffering from inadequate supplies of water and food , neon lights illuminate the streets and restaurants are doing brisk business downtown in neighboring Osaka .
61937 There is plenty of water and food once we leave the disaster area .

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>