7 Results for: (Concept:07886849-n)
51180 ' Some cold beef and a glass of beer , ' he answered , ringing the bell .
101283 This antiques dealer even sells old advertising signs , movie posters and beer paraphernalia making it a haven for collectors of pop culture .
101608 The Amazing_Graze Sunday brunch is the most popular among diners , boasting a sensational spread of culinary delights with free-flowing champagne , wine and beer .
102347 Formerly known as Woh_Hup_Complex , it has 411 shops in total , and you 'll find all sorts of authentic Thai food , CDs , beer , fashion and you can even watch a Thai band or two perform at night live .
102545 Also enjoy an ice-cold glass of beer while watching free street performances frequently organised by arts centre Esplanade Theatres on the Bay , located just next door .
102709 Savour the soft chunks of meat and dig into the eyes of the fish and complement the spicy flavours with a tall glass of Kingfisher ( Indian beer ) or ice-cold lemonade .
104169 For a quintessentially heartland experience , scoot down to one of the local joints to watch fans usually boisterous middle-aged local punters imbibing Tiger beer following the action , which includes heartfelt expressions of anguish and joy .

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