3 Results for: (Concept:07850329-n)
100345 Biasanya disajikan tawar dengan saus kari atau dhal , menu sekarang memiliki berbagai variasi yang eksentrik seperti rasa durian , es krim , keju , coklat dan pisang , yang semuanya patut dicoba ketika sedang berwisata kuliner .

While commonly served plain with dhal or curry, local menus now feature a variety of eccentric variations such as durian, ice-cream, cheese, chocolate and banana, all worth a try for the adventurous diner. (eng)

101328 Menu popular yang ditawarkan kaki maki , tiram Jepang yang empuk dibungkus daging babi , serta tomato cheese yaki ( semacam lasagna Italia versi Jepang ) .

Other popular dishes include the kaki maki , or plump Japanese oysters wrapped with pork belly , and the tomato cheese yaki , which tastes like a Japanese version of Italian lasagna . (eng)

102639 Variasi kue bulan modern juga banyak bermunculan , seperti dengan rasa durian , es krim , sarang burung , coklat , teh hijau , keju krim , cempedak dan sebagainya .

Modern varieties of mooncakes have also popped up in recent years , including flavours such as durian , ice-cream , bird 's nest , chocolate , green tea , cream cheese , chempedek and more . (eng)

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