4 Results for: (Concept:07844042-n)
101484 椰浆 叻沙 Laksa lemak 丰富 椰汁 原料 新加坡 流行 独特 制法

Laksa lemak , named for its rich and creamy coconut gravy , is a variant unique to Singapore . (eng)

102703 节日 期间 信徒 沿着 线路 朝圣 其间 剃头 赎罪 头顶 仪式 针刺 穿 皮肤 舌头 脸颊 常见 他们 这些 方式 表达 对于 自己 信仰 忠诚

On the day of the festival , devotees shave their heads undertake a pilgrimage along a set route while engaging in various acts of devotion , carrying various types of kavadi ( burdens ) . (eng) This may entail carrying a pot of milk , but mortification of the flesh by piercing the skin , tongue or cheeks with skewers is also common a sign of their faith to the religion . (eng)

102798 前面 信徒 通常 携带 牛奶 木制 卡瓦第

The first batches of devotees usually carry milk pots and wooden Kavadis . (eng)

102822 气氛 热乎乎 苹果馅饼 肉桂 冰淇淋 巧克力 薄脆 感受 巧克力 牛奶 巧克力 巧克力 丝柔 于是 原本 浪漫 夜晚 之间 高潮

Top off your evening with a bite of the warm apple pie soufflé with cinnamon stick ice-cream or a taste of the Chocolate_Terrine , a three- tiered chocolate experience comprising white , milk and dark chocolate . (eng)

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