2 Results for: (Concept:07813107-n)
101311 Favorit lain adalah red wine prawns ( udang anggur merah ) , abacus seeds ( mirip pangsit isi rasa ubi ) , salt baked chicken ( ayam garam ) dan Mei Chai Ko Rou ( daging babi rebus dengan sayur asin ) .

Other home-cooked favourites include red wine prawns, “abacus seeds” (which is like yam-flavoured gnocchi), salt baked chicken and Mei Chai Ko Rou (stewed fatty pork with preserved vegetables). (eng)

101311 Favorit lain adalah red wine prawns ( udang anggur merah ) , abacus seeds ( mirip pangsit isi rasa ubi ) , salt baked chicken ( ayam garam ) dan Mei Chai Ko Rou ( daging babi rebus dengan sayur asin ) .

Other home-cooked favourites include red wine prawns, “abacus seeds” (which is like yam-flavoured gnocchi), salt baked chicken and Mei Chai Ko Rou (stewed fatty pork with preserved vegetables). (eng)

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