5 Results for: (Concept:07753592-n)
101133 Other dishes to try include Kadhai ( Indian snacks ) , Bebek_Bengil ( traditional Balinese fried duck ) , and Pisang_Epe ( durian flavoured grilled bananas ) .
101621 Nasi lemak is always enjoyable whether at breakfast or any other time of day , and some stalls still retain the tradition of wrapping the rice in a banana leaf to enhance its flavour .
102286 Make sure you sample some of the scrumptious food on offer , like curry served on a banana leaf , which is among the best Indian cuisine available anywhere in Singapore .
103890 Most of the dishes are served on banana leaves , creating an authentic dining experience .
104398 While the fishermen were not able to save Qu_Yuan , the tradition of throwing cooked rice dumplings ( also known as '' ba chang '' ) wrapped in silk or banana leaves to appease the spirits of the river continues in today 's festival activities .

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