1 Results for: (Concept:07752602-n)
102088 土生 华人 餐馆 进餐 Baba Inn & Lounge TRUE Blue Cuisine 届时 品尝 招牌 窝打 otak - otak - - 椰奶 辣椒 galangal 香草 混合 之后 香蕉 包裹 食物 黑果 ayam buah keluak - - 鸡肉 坚果 丰富 进行 以及 咸菜 itek tim - - 鸭子 西红柿 青椒 咸菜 蜜饯 话梅 混合 在一起

Dine at a Peranakan restaurant such as Baba_Inn_&_Lounge or True_Blue_Cuisine and you 'll be able to sample signature dishes like the otak-otak , a blend of fish , coconut milk , chilli paste , galangal and herbs wrapped in a banana leaf ; ayam buah keluak , a chicken dish cooked with nuts in a rich sauce ; and itek tim , a classic soup made using duck , tomatoes , green peppers , salted vegetables and preserved sour plums simmered together . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>