2 Results for: (Concept:07712382-n)
101819 不论 作为 早餐 其他 餐点 椰浆 不错 选择

Nasi lemak is always enjoyable whether at breakfast or any other time of day , and some stalls still retain the tradition of wrapping the rice in a banana leaf to enhance its flavour . (eng)

101966 新鲜 食材 这里 支柱 正是 由于 Orgo 时常 自创 一些 有趣 新奇 餐点 寿司 以及 Orgo 新加坡 司令

Fresh ingredients are the mainstay here , which may lead to some interesting concoctions like chicken rice sushi and an Orgo version of the Singapore_Sling . (eng)

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