8 Results for: (Concept:07709881-n)
100384 Here you 'll find coffeshops selling local delicacies like tau kwa pau ( minced pork in fried tofu ) , ba chang ( rice dumplings ) and the famous Katong_Laksa , which are white rice noodles in a spicy coconut milk broth .
101341 Other great dishes here include the Hainanese pork chop and homemade tofu ( beancurd ) .
101341 Other great dishes here include the Hainanese pork chop and homemade tofu ( beancurd ) .
101510 The famous yong tau fu , or beancurd stuffed with fish paste , was a contribution by the Hakkas .
101521 Peanut sauce occupies a pride of place in dishes like gado gado , an Indonesian salad of lettuce , bean sprouts and fried bean curd .
101777 You can also take your pick from fiery Szechuan dishes characterised by their generous use of hot chilli peppers , dig into mouth-watering Hainanese chicken rice , or treat yourself to the famous yong tau fu , or bean curd stuffed with fish paste from the Hakkas .
101795 One signature dish is its authentic Hakka_Yong_Tau_Foo , which is beancurd filled with salted minced meat and pan-fried , giving it a robust and old-fashioned flavour .
102250 And remember to leave room for its delightful array of Nyonya kueh and desserts like the silky soya beancurd .

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