9 Results for: (Concept:07704205-n)
100452 潮州 动物 脂肪 调味 包括 海鲜 清汤 以及

If you are in the mood for something lighter , opt for Teochew food which is usually roasted or steamed , with very little animal fat and seasoning , such as steamed seafood , clear soups and healthy porridge . (eng)

100571 餐厅 专营 各种 休闲 菜肴 点心 米饭 和面 其中 包括 新加坡 招牌 —— 云吞 馄饨

This Hong_Kong-style restaurant dishes out casual Cantonese favourites such as dim sum , congee , rice and noodles , including Singapore 's signature Wonton_Mee ( dumpling noodles ) . (eng)

100592 丰盛 肉类 菜式 以及 开胃 面条 闽南 部分 潮州 口味 一些 包括 海鲜 以及 清汤

Hearty meat dishes and appetising noodles are a part of Hokkien meals while Teochew dishes include lighter items such as steamed seafood , comforting porridge and clear soups . (eng)

100970 油条 本身 就是 绝佳 小吃 尽管 人们 通常 搭配 米粥 豆浆 食用

You Tiao is perfect a snack on its own , but it is also traditionally eaten with congee or dunked in soy milk . (eng)

101280 各色 点心 同样 广 欢迎 蛋挞 萝卜糕 鱼片 云吞 美食 御宝 餐馆 可谓 享用 周日 午餐 绝佳 去处

Also known for their extensive dim sum menu , which includes treats such as baked egg tarts , pan-fried carrot cake , sliced fish congee and Wonton_Mee , Imperial_Treasure_Cantonese_Cuisine is a great place for Sunday brunch . (eng)

101699 麦士威 熟食 中心 拥有 不少 不可 招牌 包括 著名 天天 鸡饭 传统 美食 皮蛋 瘦肉 闻名遐迩 Zhen Zhen Porridge Marina South Delicious Food 粿条 欢迎

Some must-try items here at Maxwell_Road_Hawker_Market include the famous Tian_Tian_Chicken_Rice , the traditional congee with pork and century egg from Zhen_Zhen_Porridge stall and the popular char kway teow from the Marina_South_Delicious_Food stall . (eng)

102142 Pongal 字面 理解 烹煮 因此 人们 米粥 象征 富足 生活

Pongal literally means to boil over and hence the pot of rice is allowed to boil over as a sign of prosperity . (eng)

102146 印度 人家 一早 便 拿出 牛奶 米饭 一起 香甜 粘稠 米粥 用以 供奉 神祗 以求 庇佑

Hindu homes start the day with the preparation of pongal ( sweet sticky rice where milk , rice and sugar are boiled together ) cooked in a new pot that is presented as an offering to the Gods in return for their blessings . (eng)

102151 丰收 期间 印度 寺庙 米粥 特殊 祷告 仪式

On these days , Pongal rice is also prepared at all Hindu temples and special prayers are conducted . (eng)

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