5 Results for: (Concept:07700868-n)
101101 However , Lor_Mee stalls today will gladly also serve it with vermicelli .
101525 You 'll have to try the ayam buah keluak , a chicken dish mixed with earthy- tasting buah keluak nuts and the laksa , a famous Nonya dish made with rice vermicelli and coconut milk and garnished with seafood or chicken .
101773 A favourite on the Hokkien menu is the fried hokkien mee a tasty dish created with a rich mixture of wheat flour noodles and rice vermicelli fried with garlic , prawns , pork , sliced squid , bean sprouts , eggs , and Chinese chives .
102490 Either served dry or in a soup , you can have it with a choice of rice , egg noodles or vermicelli .
104117 Take for instance laksa , a spicy Nonya dish made with rice vermicelli and coconut milk and garnished with seafood or chicken .

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