4 Results for: (Concept:07670254-n)
100891 这里 其它 佳肴 供应 例如 海南 猪排 家常 豆腐

Other great dishes here include the Hainanese pork chop and homemade tofu ( beancurd ) . (eng)

101863 出名 猪排 拒绝 香港 特首 曾荫权 打烊 用餐 新闻 头条

This famous pork rib soup restaurant made headlines after it turned down Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald Tsang 's request to dine after its opening hours . (eng)

102296 这里 猪排 清汤 香甜

This stall uses only prime rib , infusing the broth with a sweet and aromatic flavour . (eng)

102298 这里 猪排 入口 块头 适中 方便 食用 汤料 清香 宜人

The pork rib here is tender to bite , with just the right amount of chewiness , and cut in such a way that you can easily pick it up to eat ; while the stock used is rich but still light and not overpowering . (eng)

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