3 Results for: (Concept:07666071-n)
100757 Bahan yang dipakai ke dalam Lor Mee berbeda-beda , tapi biasanya termasuk babi tumis , perkedel ikan , telur bumbu dan irisan Ngo Hiang ( gulungan daging goreng ) .

Ingredients that go into Lor_Mee vary , but commonly found items include braised pork , fish cake , braised eggs and slices of Ngo_Hiang ( fried meat roll ) . (eng)

101167 Terdapat dua versi untuk hidangan klasik ini ; versi Melayu ( asli ) , dengan pelengkap ikan bilis ( teri goreng ) dan kacang , ikan goreng , ketimun dan kadang-kadang telur , sedangkan versi China , seperti di Chong Pang Nasi lemak dan Changi Village Nasi lemak ( Anda dapat naik Bis No . 2 menuju pasar Changi Village untuk mencicipi versi yang tak terlupakan ini ) memiliki banyak tambahan seperti paha ayam goreng , sosis ayam , perkedel ikan , sayur kari dan kornet babi di dalamnya .

There are two versions of this classic ; the Malay ( original ) version has a straightforward offering of ikan bilis ( fried anchovies ) and nuts , fried fish , cucumber and sometimes an egg ; whereas the Chinese version , like Chong_Pang_Nasi_Lemak and the Changi_Village_Nasi_Lemak ( take the Bus. No. 2 to the Changi_Village market to sample this unforgettable version ) have a whole bunch of things like deep fried drumstick , chicken franks , fish cake , curried vegetables and luncheon meat ( Asian Spam ) in it . (eng)

101417 Beberapa keistimewaan di sini antara lain Rendang , yaitu potongan daging empuk dengan rempah seperti limau Kaffir dan daun kunyit , Bergedil ( perkedel ) , yaitu goreng kentang dari Belanda , dan Chicken Korma ( kurma ayam ) , dengan kuah kental berisi cabe hijau dan kunyit .

Some of the specialities here include the Rendang , filled with chunks of tender beef coated with spices such as Kaffir lime and turmeric leaves , the Bergedil , freshly fried and made using potatoes from Holland , and the Chicken_Korma , with its creamy gravy of green chilli and turmeric . (eng)

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