4 Results for: (Concept:07663899-n)
103344 Often served in bunches of 10 ( individual sticks are also sold ) , it goes in accord with a dip of spicy and sweet peanut sauce , and is usually accompanied with chopped onion , cucumber and ketupat ( Malay rice cakes wrapped in a weaving pattern of coconut leaves ) .
103609 One rojak variation is adapted from Malay and Chinese cuisines , which is a veritable toss of beansprouts , greens , tau pok ( or deep-fried soybean cake ) , you tiao ( a crispy long strip of fried flour ) pineapple , cucumber , and a generous sprinkle of finely chopped roasted peanuts well-tossed ( which gives it ample texture and a lovely crunchy bite ) with a spicy fermented prawn paste sauce .
103611 The Indian rojak can be personalised to one 's specific tastebuds as most stall vendors allow their patrons to choose the ingredients that they want which includes baked potatoes , steamed fishcakes , prawn fritters , octopus , a mix of fried greens and many more .
104194 There is also a tapas menu featuring finger food , such as crab cakes and tomato bruschetta , to go with their signature colonial cocktails .

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