10 Results for: (Concept:07649854-n)
100200 排骨 独特 草药 香料 烹煮 丁香 肉桂 八角 茴香 以及 芫荽 使用 反映 新加坡 多元 文化 特色

It consists of meaty pork ribs simmered in a unique broth of herbs and spices; the use of cloves, cinnamon, star anise, fennel seeds and coriander in this dish reflects Singapore’s diverse cultural influences. (eng)

100396 选择 鸟蛤 或是 搭配 冒着 热气 粿条 尽情 享受 丰盛 美味

Choose from either cockles or prawns to go with a plate of sizzling hot char kway teow , and have a hearty meal that satisfies your sinful cravings . (eng)

100446 新加坡 广东 包括 鱼翅汤 馄饨 以及 乳猪

Signature Cantonese dishes include Shark_'s_Fin soup , crispy deep-fried chicken , Won_Ton soup , and roasted suckling pig . (eng)

100447 欢迎 广 点心 其中 包括 / 馒头 饺子 以及 酱料 香料 填塞 饺子 糕饼

One of the most popular items is dim sum which includes steamed or fried buns , dumplings and pastries stuffed with meat , prawns , sauces and herbs . (eng)

100456 总体 大部分 中餐 米饭 蔬菜

In general , most Chinese meals offer you rice accompanied by small portions of several types of meat , poultry , fish , and vegetables . (eng)

100598 可以 体验 当地 印度 清真 比如 印度 飞饼 roti pratas 印度 煎饼 murtabak 飞饼 碎肉 鸡蛋 洋葱 以及 nasibriyani 辅以 鸡肉 羊肉 红花

You can also get a taste of popular local Indian-Muslim dishes such as roti pratas , murtabak - ( prata stuffed with minced meat , eggs and onions ) and nasi briyani , a saffron rice dish with spicy chicken or mutton . (eng)

100603 沙嗲 烤肉 洋葱 黄瓜 主要 佐料

It is also a staple accompaniment with satay skewers of meat grilled over charcoal served with raw onions and cucumber . (eng)

100880 华人 时候 喜欢 搭配 一点点 蔬菜 一起 品尝

The Chinese tend to have it alongside smaller dishes of vegetables and meat ; head down to McCullum_Street in the heart of the city for a taste at the famous Ocean_Fish_Head_Curry eatery . (eng)

100887 面对 新加坡 林林总总 可能 哪里 垂涎 正宗

With a multitude of chicken rice stalls in Singapore , you might have difficulty finding just one place with authentic and mouth-watering chicken rice . (eng)

100887 面对 新加坡 林林总总 可能 哪里 垂涎 正宗

With a multitude of chicken rice stalls in Singapore , you might have difficulty finding just one place with authentic and mouth-watering chicken rice . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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