1 Results for: (Concept:07601809-n)
100005 这里 不得不 甜品 包括 招牌 巧克力 —— 搭配 果馅饼 纯度 64% 法芙娜 巧克力 以及 焦糖 血橙 果汁 冰沙 Araguani H20 —— 72% 法芙娜 巧克力 注入 依云 矿泉水 制作 蛋糕

Creatively-styled concoctions like the Amedei_Chilli_Chocolate and the English_Sticky_Toffee_Pudding are two of the more appreciated items on the menu , while anyone who 's visited would recommend the Araguani_H2O , a 72 percent Valrhona chocolate cake infused with Evian mineral water and with a surprising caramel mousse centre . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>