5 Results for: (Concept:07584110-n)
100452 潮州 动物 脂肪 调味 包括 海鲜 清汤 以及

If you are in the mood for something lighter , opt for Teochew food which is usually roasted or steamed , with very little animal fat and seasoning , such as steamed seafood , clear soups and healthy porridge . (eng)

100592 丰盛 肉类 菜式 以及 开胃 面条 闽南 部分 潮州 口味 一些 包括 海鲜 以及 清汤

Hearty meat dishes and appetising noodles are a part of Hokkien meals while Teochew dishes include lighter items such as steamed seafood , comforting porridge and clear soups . (eng)

100746 云吞 通常 清汤 打底 馄饨 猪肉 虾蓉

Hong Kong-style_Wanton_Mee is usually served in a clear broth , with dumplings filled with ingredients such as prawns and pork . (eng)

101162 烹煮 食材 清汤 爽口 一般 大豆 鱼仔 鱼干

This clear soup , which is also used to cook the items in , is usually made with soy beans and Ikan_Billis ( dried anchovies ) , and has a light and fragrant aroma . (eng)

102296 这里 猪排 清汤 香甜

This stall uses only prime rib , infusing the broth with a sweet and aromatic flavour . (eng)

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