8 Results for: (Concept:07475870-n)
13171 Assure him that , if I have not asked his advice sooner , it was not because I did not appreciate his talents , but because I have been off my head ever since the blow fell .
18679 The reason is that I am well convinced that it is from his agents the blow would fall .
18736 A chill of fear had come over me , as I thought that his absence might mean that some blow had fallen during the night .
47302 It never recovered from the blow , and much of my capital was irretrievably swallowed up .
47644 But in any case it was a blow to him , and it would take him some time before he could prepare himself to meet it .
48631 It is the greatest blow which has befallen me in my career .
60261 If they did not have to go through Hong_Kong , which would be a blow to it , the Taiwan-China route would be a new gold mine .
101399 But the peace and prosperity of the country suffered a major blow during World_War_II , when it was attacked by the Japanese aircrafts on 8 December 1941 .

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