6 Results for: (Concept:07450842-n)
60325 The awards ceremony will begin at three o'clock , January 13th , at the Tokyo_Hitotsubashi_Josui_Kaikan .
60629 The competition 's opening ceremony will be held on August 4 , and competition will begin from August 5 .
60635 Kenzaburo_Oe attended the awarding ceremony at the TBS building in Akasaka , Tokyo , and commented in rejoice , " We are very much pleased . "
60671 The Emperor ate soldiers ' food for field battle , which was one of the New_Year 's ceremony events .
60948 At a ceremony to celebrate the completion of an Islamic school in the village of Sura , the women wore the hijab and the men wore white skullcaps .
102771 On this day , devout Buddhists and followers alike congregate at their various temples before dawn for the ceremonial , where the Buddhist flag will be hoisted , and hymns sung in praise of the holy triple gem : The Buddha , The_Dharma ( his teachings ) , and The_Sangha ( his disciples ) .

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