3 Results for: (Concept:07429637-n)
60701 三十一日 北海道 东北 一部分 地区 发生 认为 远海 地震 引起 余震

On December 31 , there were two minor jolts in Hokkaido and part of Tohoku , considered to be after-shocks of the Far-off_Sanriku_Earthquake . (eng)

60703 另外 发生 上午 一点五十七 左右 余震 盛冈 烈度

The one occurring at around 1:57 a.m. in Morioka , Iwate , had an intensity of one on the Richter scale . (eng)

61923 火灾 发生 余震 不断

Additional fires have been starting and there have been constant aftershocks . (eng)

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