7 Results for: (Concept:07419792-n)
61158 作为 清除 金权 选举 措施 之一 准备 试行 恢复 废除 根据 民众 诉讼 宣布 当选 无效 制度

As a measure to get rid of bankrolled elections , attempt to bring back the system that nullifies the election results by popular proceedings , which was abolished after the war . (eng)

61317 基于 韩国 发展 国民 恢复 自信 发生 历史 意识 变化 日韩 关系 引到 更加 理想 方向

The altered historical perception brought around by the growth of South_Korea and the restored confidence among its people has been leading Japan-ROK relations to a more desirable direction . (eng)

61371 特别是 甲基 导致 神经 障碍 难以 恢复 因此 尽快 当地 进行 流行 病学 调查 治疗

With the nerve disorder caused by methyl mercury in particular , recovery is difficult and therefore local epidemiological study and medical care must be made available quickly . (eng)

61741 美国 [ 联邦 储备 委员会 承诺 400亿 美元 融资 筹资 保证 方面 [ 墨西哥 政府 表明 石油 收入 充当 融资 保证 担保 因此 周末 市场 终于 得以 恢复 稳定

While the US government and the Federal_Reserve_Board_of_Governors have promised loan and financing guarantees of 40 forty_billion_dollars , the Mexican government has announced to offer oil revenues as a security for the loan guarantee ; the exchange market finally calmed down last weekend . (eng)

61834 过去 美国 景气 恢复 北美 自由 贸易 协定 顺利 实施

The US economy has recovered during the past two years and the North_American_Free_Trade_Agreement ( NAFTA ) has been running smoothly . (eng)

61841 因此 如果 克林顿 总统 能够 给予 国民 所得 增加 实际 感觉 发挥 外交 手腕 的话 存有 恢复 信任 可能性

Therefore , if President_Clinton can make the income growth be felt by the American people and demonstrate diplomatic skills , it is still possible for him to recover his popularity . (eng)

61960 政府 执政党 在野党 重要 应该 首先 竭尽全力 致力于 阪神 地震 灾害 修复 对策 采取 万无一失 措施 使 灾民 尽早 摆脱 避难 生活 恢复 稳定 日常 生活 同时 努力 建立 通过 震灾 教训 得到 根本 防震 防灾 对策

The government as well as ruling and opposition parties first and foremost must concentrate their efforts on emergency recovery measures related to the Great_Hanshin_Earthquake , and in addition to taking action to help the victims to return to a stable daily life outside of the shelters as soon as possible , it should work on establishing the fundamental anti-earthquake and disaster prevention measures utilizing the lessons they have learned from the latest earthquake . (eng)

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