4 Results for: (Concept:07415730-n)
60046 也许 很多 感到 单纯 想法 危险 脆弱 但是 肯定 形成 印象 证明 为了 渡过 混乱 转换 时期 日本

Although many people may feel that this simple idea is too vague and fragile , this must be a proof and a message to " change Japan " to overcome the problems at the confused turning point . (eng)

60071 为了 渡过 转换 时期 应该 立即 采取 措施 什么 现在 总算 看清

We will finally realize what we should do immediately in order to overcome the difficulties at a turning point . (eng)

61207 运输 官僚 没有 认识 运送 货物 需求 已经 趋于 少量化 产业 需求 转换 消费者 需求

The bureaucrats in the Transport_Ministry had not become aware that the demand for the transport of goods was shifting toward " smaller lots , " was undergoing a shift , in other words , from " industrial demand " toward much greater " consumer demand . " (eng)

61811 但是 充分 认识 没有 居民 参加 迫在眉睫 老龄化 社会 能够 成立 进行 政策 根本 转变 更为 重要

However , it will be more important to fully recognize that without community participation an aging society fast approaching in the near future can not exist , and to fundamentally shift policies . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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