8 Results for: (Concept:07355491-n)
11009 现在 大概 使 真相大白 天下 时候 因为 确实 知道 外界 对于 格里姆斯比·罗伊洛特 医生 众说纷纭 广泛 流传 谣言

" Now , Watson , confess yourself utterly taken aback , " said he . (eng)

11210 昨天 晚上 睁着 眼睛 回想 可怕 遭遇 寂静 深夜 突然 听到 曾经 预兆 死亡 轻轻 口哨声 想想 当时 什么 样子

I would not leave my wife alone all night for anything . (eng)

11618 这样 无疑 格里姆斯比·罗伊洛特 医生 接地 负责

60130 根据 一九九四年 十月 递交 市町村 出生 死亡 结婚 件数 进行 统计 得出 年度 推算

This annual estimation was calculated based on the data of births , deaths , marriages , etc . that were reported to municipal governments between January and November 1994 . (eng)

60133 死亡数 减少 六千 出生 减去 死亡 人口 自然 增长 二十一 第一 增加 五万二千

The number of deaths dropped by 6,000 from the previous year , and the natural increase of population , gained by subtracting the deaths from births , showed an increase of 52,000 over the previous year , for the first time in twenty-one years . (eng)

60210 其中 表明 私营化 操之过急 认识 过去 私营化 方向 行动 白天 黑夜 一样 私营化 国营化

In the Izvestia article Polevanov announced , " Privatization so far has been only one-sided . However , as day comes with night and life with death , privatization should be accompanied by nationalization , " thus demonstrating his opinion that privatization has gone too far . (eng)

61377 莎士比亚 哈姆雷特 生还 问题 台词 之后 列举 难以 容忍 其中 之一 拖延 审判 焦急 难忍

Following the line , " To be or not to be : that is the question , " Shakespeare 's " Hamlet " enumerates unbearable nightmares with one of them being " the law 's delay . " (eng)

100707 端午节 起源 生活 中国 古代 楚国 伟大 诗人 屈原

Its origins begin with the death of the great poet Qu_Yuan , who lived in the Chinese kingdom of Chu . (eng)

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>