3 Results for: (Concept:07164163-n)
100445 Juga ada Lorgan's Kitsch dan Flash untuk mendapat sentuhan retro dan flower power serta Style:NORDIC dengan ensembel desain Skandinavia yang terbaik , barang-barang gelas Finlandia dan perabot khas dari Artek .

There 's also Lorgan_'s_Kitsch and Flash for a touch of retro and flower power and Style : NORDIC with its ensemble of the finest Scandinavian design , Finnish glassware and Artek 's iconic furniture . (eng)

101912 Forlino adalah restoran fine dining Italia yang termasuk baru , dengan sentuhan kemewahan dan diberkati dengan pemandangan luas Marina Bay .

This relatively new kid on the Italian fine dining block carries an understated touch of opulence and is blessed with expansive views of Marina_Bay , while the fresh and premium quality ingredients used elevate this restaurant from good to wonderful . (eng)

101915 Pelayanan restoran ini juga sangat sempurna dan memberi kesan ramah .

Service here is also excellent attentive without being intrusive , polite without being overly fawning and overall good-natured friendliness . (eng)

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