10 Results for: (Concept:07138915-n)
481 关于 无私 编程 讨论 温伯格 发现 一些 程序员 ´自 鼓励 他人 帮助 纠错 改进 代码

815 Russell Johnston <russjj@mail.com> 意识 多少 驯服 复杂 章节 关于 一些 机制 讨论

61209 小仓 影响力 不久 产生 庞大 产业 同时 引发 重新 研究 限制 行业 事业 讨论

The stir which Mr._Ogura made eventually gave rise to a large new industry , and at the same time it kindled discussions that led to taking a new look at ways in which the " Enterprises Law " regulated various branches of business and industry . (eng)

61288 但是 参加 讨论 充分

However , there have not been adequate arguments in favor of the participation . (eng)

61407 作为 司法 改革 支柱 当今 司法界 内部 正在 热烈 讨论 司法 人口 问题

As the focal point of the judicial reform , the issue concerning legal professionals is currently being actively debated within legal circles . (eng)

61516 地方 制度 调查会 要求 原则 废止 制度 但是 大纲 方针 只不过 讨论 制度 说法

While the Local_Government_System_Research_Council requested to eliminate that system in principle , the policy outline simply stated that , " the system will be examined . " (eng)

61557 会议 广泛 听取 意见 赋予 左右 临床 实习 义务 实习 内容 实习 设施 指导 体制 实习 结业 认定 方法 改善 实习 医生 待遇 进一步 进行 讨论 今年 作出 最终 结论

After consulting widely with related parties , the subcommittee will further discuss the substance of training if clinical training of approximately two years becomes mandatory , the training facilities , the training structure , certification after completion of training , and improvement of the pay received by interns , and write up its conclusive findings within this year . (eng)

61854 完全 知道 自民党 如何 致力于 宪法 讨论

Consequently , we are totally at a loss as to how the LDP will deal with the constitutional debate . (eng)

61864 自民党 必须 深刻 认识 现状 大会 开成 回到 宣誓 再生 改革 出发点 彻底 讨论 大会

The LDP must strictly recognize the current situation of the party , go back to square one where they pledged for rejuvenation and reform , and make the convention a forum to thoroughly examine these issues . (eng)

61978 机会 要求 执政党 在野 排除 简单 取悦 人心 幕后 谈判 政治 展开 看准 冷战 日本 政治 经济 应有 状态 认真 讨论

Taking this opportunity , we hope that the ruling and opposition parties will do away with the shallow brown-nosing " collusive " politics and will engage in a serious debate keeping firmly in mind the Japanese politics and economy after the end of the Cold_War . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>