7 Results for: (Concept:07137733-n)
60034 五十 周年 之际 冷战 格局 瓦解 世界 需要 秩序 这个 时期 如何 建立 面向 二十一 世纪 日美 亲密 关系 日美 首脑 会谈 重大 课题

In this 50th anniversary of the end of the war , with the paradigm of the Cold_War collapsed and a new order required throughout the world , the substantial problem of the next Japan-U . S. summit meeting is how we establish a close relationship between Japan and the U.S. , which leads the way in the 21st century . (eng)

60221 柬埔寨 西哈努克 国王 31日 中国 江泽民 国家 主席 举行 会谈

Prince Norodom_Sihanouk , the King_of_Cambodia , met Chinese_President_Jiang_Zemin on December 31 . (eng)

61578 河野洋平 外相 美国 国务卿 克里斯托弗 十日 华盛顿 举行 会谈 努力 推进 援助 朝鲜 民主主义 人民 共和国 轻水 反应堆 转换 项目 达成 协议 确定 二月 成立 [ 朝鲜 半岛 能源 开发 机构

During the talks held on the 10th in Washington , DC , Foreign_Minister_Yohei_Kono and Mr._Warren_Christopher , the US_Secretary_of_State , have reached an agreement on the efforts to promote the aid measures for North_Korea 's conversion process to light water nuclear reactors and have confirmed the establishment of the Korean_Peninsula_Energy_Development_Organization ( KEDO ) in February . (eng)

61640 村山富市 首相 11日 日美 首脑 会谈 创造性 伙伴 关系 用作 关键词

Prime Minister_Tomiichi_Murayama adopted " creative partnership " as the keyword for the Japan-US_Summit on the 11th . (eng)

61641 但是 报道 会谈 内容 哪里 感受 创造性 气息

However , as far as what the media have reported , absolutely no " creative " pulse is detected anywhere in the talks . (eng)

61644 美国 助理 国务卿 罗德 迎接 首相 记者 会见 会谈 定位 访 首相 就任 尽早 访问 华盛顿 日本 传统 惯例

At the press conference held just before greeting the prime minister , Mr._Winston_Lord , the Assistant_Secretary_of_State , put Mr._Murayama 's visit as " a Japanese tradition where the prime minister pays a visit to Washington , DC at the earliest opportunity after taking office . " (eng)

61661 平淡 无奇 首脑 会谈 情景 日美 事务 频繁 往来 联系 起来 浮现 方案

In recollecting the dull tone of the summit with the active communication at the working level between Japan and the US for the past several months , one particular scenario has come to the forefront . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>