10 Results for: (Concept:07133701-n)
10262 " Your conversation is most entertaining , " said he .
13256 ' Excuse me an instant , ' said Holmes ; ' were you alone during this conversation ? '
13686 His conversation , I remember , was about the Bertillon system of measurements , and he expressed his enthusiastic admiration of the French savant .
13813 ' I have known him for some time , ' said I , ' but I never knew him do anything yet without a very good reason , ' and with that our conversation drifted off into other topics .
18660 ' '' I am afraid , '' said I , rising , `` that in the pleasure of this conversation I am neglecting business of importance which awaits me elsewhere . ''
18906 During our conversation we had not gone to the end of the path , and the Alpine-stock marked the place where we had stood .
46493 We had been sauntering slowly down Regent Street during this conversation , and Dr Mortimer , with his companion , had long vanished in front of us .
47540 After the conversation which I have quoted about Barrymore , Sir Henry put on his hat and prepared to go out .
102412 Sitting in one of Singapore 's most popular hang-out spots , Holland_Village , 2am Dessert_Bar is the perfect setting for a romantic late-night dessert or intimate conversations with best friends .
103307 Make a reservation for enough people and you might be treated to the luxury of a private room where you can actually hold a decent conversation and not have your voice drowning in the din of excited ( and hungry ) guests .


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