10 Results for: (Concept:07109730-n)
670 完全 正确 布鲁克斯 本特利 指出 期望 一蹴而就 主意 重头 通常 梳理 一团乱麻

11285 " 真够 风趣 "

The bullet had passed through the front of her brain , and it would probably be some time before she could regain consciousness . (eng)

60468 击败 大山 升田 创造 名人 地位 记录 但是 终于 一九五二年 第十一 败给 留下 后来者 居上 话语 离开 名人 地位

Kimura defeated both Oyama and Masuda to hold a total of eight career titles , but at the 11th tournament in 1952 , he was finally beaten by Oyama and never again recaptured the Meijin title , retiring with the words , " I have a good successor . " (eng)

60568 松枝 去掉 不久 当时 小学 年级 儿子 突然

A while after the New_Year week , our second son in the third grade of elementary school then , said , ... (eng)

60578 儿子 感到 必须 重视 我们 简简单单 新年

His words made me think I should cherish our humble event of the New_Year_Day . (eng)

60990 [ 芹苴 大学 农业 系统 训练所 所长 陈天扁 先生 打断 话语 没有 这么 乐观 举出 一些 数据

" No , that 's not it , " says Chan_Tain_Be , head of Can_Tho_University_Farming_Systems_R_&_D_Institute , replacing explanation by way of proffering several pieces of data . (eng)

61785 顾问 教师 喊出 参加 比赛 号码 出来 否定 存在 严厉 话语

The coach used very abusive language , saying " I 'm not letting you play in the game . Turn in your uniform number ! " seemingly denying her existence in the team . (eng)

61894 政府 有关 人士 口中 经常 说出 出乎 预料 摇动 超出 预测 力量 导致

This time , government officials have often mentioned that " the magnitude was unexpected " and " the force beyond anyone 's expectation worked . " (eng)

61896 差点 说出 灾害 天灾 行政 没有 过错

It sounds as though all disasters are the acts of God , and " the government is not to blame . " (eng)

62084 俄罗斯 处于 脱离 全体主义 时日 过渡期 克林顿 总统 西方 国内 变动 一一 过度 反应 明智 一定 道理

Russia is still in a transition period after getting rid of totalitarianism not too long ago , and President_Clinton has a point when he said that it would be ill-advised for the West to over-react to Russia 's internal change every time that occurs . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>