10 Results for: (Concept:07020538-n)
10195 记下 舞蹈 这样

" It is my belief that she died of pure fear and nervous shock , though what it was that frightened her I can not imagine . " (eng)

100228 新加坡 Bangsawan 表演 通常 Sri Warisan 舞蹈 电视 综艺 新加坡 城区 举行 传统 马来 婚礼 表演

Bangsawan performances in Singapore are now typically performed on televised variety shows by the Sri_Warisan dance troupe as well as during traditional Malay weddings that are held in the heartlands of Singapore . (eng)

100252 泰米尔语 婆罗多 曲调 表情 节奏 组成 表明 舞蹈 因素 组成

As depicted by its name in Tamil , the Bharatanatyam is a combination of music , expression and rhythm , and is known for the grace with which it is administered , and the statuesque poses that punctuate almost every movement . (eng)

100252 泰米尔语 婆罗多 曲调 表情 节奏 组成 表明 舞蹈 因素 组成

As depicted by its name in Tamil , the Bharatanatyam is a combination of music , expression and rhythm , and is known for the grace with which it is administered , and the statuesque poses that punctuate almost every movement . (eng)

100253 舞蹈 优雅 编舞 风格 几乎 动作 讲究 姿态 优美 著称

As depicted by its name in Tamil , the Bharatanatyam is a combination of music , expression and rhythm , and is known for the grace with which it is administered , and the statuesque poses that punctuate almost every movement . (eng)

100254 包括 新加坡 在内 世界 许多 地区 婆罗多 通常 人们 称为 舞蹈

In many parts of the world including Singapore , the Bharatanatyam is often referred to as the dance of fire . (eng)

100254 包括 新加坡 在内 世界 许多 地区 婆罗多 通常 人们 称为 舞蹈

In many parts of the world including Singapore , the Bharatanatyam is often referred to as the dance of fire . (eng)

100265 得益 每年 印度 卡塔卡利 舞蹈 舞团 受到 来自 世界 各地 台湾 马来西亚 日本 观众 一如既往 支持 赞誉

And with yearly Kathakali tours in India , it continues to receive global support and recognition from audiences in Taiwan , Malaysia and Japan . , For those interested , Bhaskar_'s_Academy_of_Arts also holds Nrityalaya music and dance classes in collaboration with community centres . (eng)

100266 此外 巴什卡 艺术 学校 社区 中心 合作 针对 艺术 爱好者 开办 恩弟亚 音乐 舞蹈 课堂

And with yearly Kathakali tours in India , it continues to receive global support and recognition from audiences in Taiwan , Malaysia and Japan . , For those interested , Bhaskar_'s_Academy_of_Arts also holds Nrityalaya music and dance classes in collaboration with community centres . (eng)

100489 其中 重头戏 自然 妆艺大游行 这个 类似 大型 狂欢节 街头 游行 可以 观赏 花团锦簇 花车 以及 表演 惊险 刺激 活动 以及 魔术 火辣 舞蹈

The centrepiece of the festivities is the Chingay_Parade , a grand carnival-like street parade with dazzling floats , thrilling spectacles like fire-eaters , magicians and sizzling dance acts . (eng)

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Developers: Luís Morgado da Costa <lmorgado.dacosta@gmail.com> ; Francis Bond <bond@ieee.org>