10 Results for: (Concept:06892775-n)
60298 The concert performance at Suntory_Hall_of_Schoenberg 's unfinished opera , " Mose und Aron " , a work encompassing the themes of artistic expression and religion that were the composer 's life 's work , was a vivid expression and dramatic performance of the formation of the Old_Testament and an appropriate opportunity to mark the opera 's 400th season and Kazuyoshi_Akiyama 's 30th year as conductor .
61109 In the concert opened in the concourse of Kansai-Kuko_Station , there was a year-end countdown , followed by the yells of " Happy New_Year ! " from the audience of about 2,000 , and the enthusiasm at the beginning of the New_Year was impressive as a sign of 24-hour operation of KIX .
100634 do not miss these one night only concerts in Singapore .
100638 You can also indulge in two evenings of free outdoor concerts with Tambuco and Indialucia that will feature ethnic and passionate sounds at the Esplanade_Outdoor_Theatre .
100640 The Silk_Road_Odyssey closing gala concert will explore the Silk_Road through music from celebrated composers from the East and West , and will feature sand painting by acclaimed Chinese artist Ruan_Yun_Ting .
100705 With regular performances being held , catch a concert if you can during your visit to Singapore .
101012 The fact that it had two large halls on each of its two floors allowed it to stage concerts .
101013 And soon , while it thronged to the footsteps of municipal employees in the day , amateur groups were busy putting on plays and concerts at night .
101018 In the period before World_War_II , the Victoria_Theatre and Memorial_Hall staged many concerts , musicals and plays , including a performance by Noel_Coward in 1930 .
102147 It also regularly holds music concerts , book fairs and art competitions .

Language:    Concept:    C-lemma:    Word:    Lemma: SID (from): SID (to):    Sentiment:    POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? POS: ? Limit:   

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